To order a yearbook please log on to:


🐾Our School code is 1015826467644095🐾



It is time to help us start filling up these pages with darling pictures of your kiddos! Please share photos from Melinda Heights events so that as many of our students are featured in the yearbook as possible.


Please send school photos ONLY. There must be at least three Melinda Heights school children present to be considered. As much as we love your family, we cannot include family vacations or parties. Photos taken off school property, unless it was a school-approved function such as a "dine-out" or other school sponsored event, also cannot be included. Please text the photos to 949-734-0502. Thank you for helping to create our yearbook!  



  • 1st Day of School morning for Back to School (on campus only)
  • Photos with teachers
  • Western Night
  • Glow Party
  • Red Ribbon Week
  • Trunk or Treat
  • Pumpkin City event
  • Spirit Days
  • Ice Skating Night event
  • Bingo Night (Winter event)
  • Anything taken on campus, such as music, STEM lab, Library time, class parties, Book Fair, Meet the Masters



  The Yearbook is created by our amazing volunteer team and TreeRing.  

Questions? Email: