The Melinda Heights PTA fully funds Accelerated Reader, commonly referred to as "AR." AR is a software program for K-12 schools to monitor the practice of reading. Reading comprehension is assessed by means of a computer-based quiz that tests general knowledge of a book in a multiple choice format. Students in grades 1-6 earn points by taking quizzes on books they've read and earn rewards and recognition. 


We are proud to be able to continue offering the software, thanks to last year's fundraising. AR is something students really enjoy. Our AR testing and million words club members continuously reach new heights!




Accelerated Reader Book Finder


Renaissance Home Connect (Parent Portal for AR Program)

  Log in information is your student's username and password.




Please see points/rewards below. In addition, the top 3 readers each trimester will get an award certificate. Readers can be honored more than once per school year.


Each trimester, the class in each grade with the highest average AR points will earn a popsicle party. Each class may earn one popsicle party per school year.  Trimester AR reports will not include data from other trimesters. The top reader in each class will get a trophy at the end of the year.



1st Grade

1 point - Sticker

2 points - Bookmark

3 points - Pencil

4 points - Pencil Grip

5 points - Pencil Topper

7 points - Phone Eraser

10 points - Pick a Book

15 points – Restaurant Cert.

25 points - Pizza Lunch

4th Grade

15 points - Bookmark

30 points - Mechanical Pencil

60 points - Erasable Highlighter

95 points - Pen

140 points - Pick a Book

190 points - Restaurant Cert.

250 points - Pizza Lunch



2nd Grade

3 points - Sticker

6 points - Bookmark

10 points - Pencil

15 points - Pencil Topper

25 points - Phone Eraser

35 points - Pen

45 points - Pick a Book

60 points - Restaurant Cert.

75 points - Pizza Lunch

5th Grade

30 points - Bookmark

50 points - MHES Pen

80 points – Mini Highlighter

120 points - Spy Pen

170 points - Pick a Book

230 points - Restaurant Cert.

300 points - Pizza Lunch



3rd Grade

10 points - Bookmark

25 points - Mechanical Pencil

45 points- Erasable Highlighter

65 points - Pen

90 points - Pick a Book

120 points - Restaurant Cert.

150 points - Pizza Lunch

6th Grade

40 points - Bookmark

70 points - MHES Pen

110 points – Mini Highlighter

155 points - Spy Pen

210 points - Pick a Book

270 points - Restaurant Cert.

345 points - Pizza Lunch
































If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the AR prizes this year, please feel free to contact me at or (949) 439-4817.Questions? Email