Thank you for considering volunteering with the PTA. 


We need volunteers like you to make awesome activities and programs happen!


PTA is recruiting for some open positions and a general "on call" volunteer pool we can reach out to as the need arises.There are still a few committee chair positions open for several FUN & IMPORTANT events/activities that are a crucial part of our Melinda Heights community. We could really use your help!  Most people don’t volunteer for positions unless they are asked, but frequently that means that great candidates might get over looked because no one knows that they are interested.  You do not need experience to be a great PTA Board member, you just need some extra time and dedication to our students.  Volunteering at the Board or Committee level in PTA is a great way to get to know your child’s school and how our education system works. It’s also a great way to suggest ideas, make new friends and make a difference. If you are interested in a position or would like to team up with another parent to co-chair a position, please contact our PTA President, Jane Gaba at


Please click the button to see the available opportunities and descriptions.