Welcome back, Mountain Lions!
And welcome to our newest Mountain Lions!
We are so excited for the 2024-2025 school year, and have many exciting things planned to bring us all together. The Melinda Heights PTA has made you this online checklist to help get things rolling for the exciting school year ahead. Please review the links below, and join us in making this school year the best one yet! Our community would not be as successful as it is without your continued support. Our theme for the year will be, "Together...we Shine" in the spirit of joining our community together in the shared support of our kids, teachers, staff, parents, and community as a whole. Let's continue to sparkle and shine together! I look forward to seeing you around school! ~ Jane Gaba, Melinda Heights PTA President
🐾Update your family information on the website, including your children's teachers. This will greatly help you when completing the rest of the items below. Start here. Or, if you're new to Melinda Heights PTA, create an account. *Please update your relationship to the school and your child's teacher.* We need the information so we can best deliver items to your children over the course of the year. PLEASE NOTE: If you do not update your student(s) information correctly (grade level and teacher), all orders and prizes will not be delivered to your child. PLEASE ALSO MAKE SURE YOU UPDATE YOUR STUDENT(S) TO "ACTIVE" when you update the information.
🐾Become a PTA Member. Your membership gives you a voice in PTA decisions, including how PTA spends the money we earn from our fabulous fundraisers. Our focus is family
🐾Subscribe to receive the PTA Monthly Newsletter and sync your calendar. This is the BEST way for you to keep updated on everything happening: Family Fun Nights, Dine Outs, Trunk-or-Treat and more! The PTA frequently updates the calendar on this website to ensure it includes all the latest information from PTA, the school, and MELT (Melinda Elementary Leadership Team, comprised of students). Our newsletter is a great resource to stay in-the-know and the calendar will sync to your phone/watch so you never forget a dress up day! Start here.
🐾Make a STRAIGHT DONATION to the Melinda Heights PTA, if you're so inclined. The funds raised will help us to continue making Melinda Heights a special community with many fabulous, fun, and educational opportunities for our students and their families. This is our annual fall fundraiser, and it ensures that 100% of the funds go to the PTA (rather than selling something and we only get a percentage). Donate here today.
🐾Order your spirit wear! Every Friday is spirit wear day. Wear your MHES shirt or blue and green! Orders will open August 14-30. Click here to order.
🐾Donate a book in your child's name to the school library in honor of their birthday or any other special event! When it is your student's special day, they will be the first person to check out the Celebration Book and their contribution will be celebrated with their class! Click here to donate!
🐾Sign up to volunteer. PTA is recruiting for some open positions and a general "on call"
🐾Dedicate your Ralphs Grocery Card to support Melinda Heights PTA. Every purchase you make from Ralph's automatically results in a contribution to the PTA. This Shop & Support opportunity generate a lot of financial support for Melinda Heights PTA. Would you kindly take 10 minutes to dedicate your account today (and while you're at it, invite grandparents, other family, and friends to join you)? All the Ralphs Community Contributions instructions are here.
🐾First Day of School - Tears & Cheers Parent Social - 8:20-9:00am. Whether you're shedding tears, feeling a bit down, or celebrating the end of summer, everyone is welcome to join us. Drop by the MPR for a cup of coffee and meet our new principal and the PTA board. We're here for you!
🐾Check out the Reflections art program, and encourage your children to start working on their entries. This year's theme is "Accepting Imperfection." For more information, start here.
🐾Please join us for the first dine out fundraiser of the year: Miss Debbie's Ice Cream at Altisima Park after school on Friday, August 16.
🐾Click here if you want helpful links on other school related information.
We look forward to getting to know each of you this year as we see you in our PTA meetings and connect with you at our upcoming events. Together, we will use the Power of the Paw to make the school an even better place!
Lots of love to all of our Mountain Lion Families!
Your PTA
General Questions? Please email us at |